Thursday, May 1, 2008

New Blog...

I've been blogging on WordPress. Come and visit me on WordPress... Here is the link

Monday, March 31, 2008

Product Reviews...

Available in 2 colors $8.98

This weekend I had a chance to check out the Sarah Jessica Parker clothing line Bitten at my local Steve and Barry's. Let me say, I was impressed. The line is very basic, allowing you to layer several pieces to create a look. I was impressed with the variety of jeans, there were many different washes and style of jeans. All the pieces were priced at $8.98. Although, I didn't try on any clothes, I'm a bit skeptical about the quality. But what can you expect for $8.98?? I did like the fact there were many basics, of which I am a huge fan!!

Available in 4 colors $8.98

Friday, March 28, 2008

Steaming Brilliant???

So, a friend of mine went out last night to a bar. The state of Illinois is smoke-free, no smoking in any public places, that means restaurants and bars, people!! My friend, Meg (and no, her full name is NOT Meghan!!) encountered a man smoking in the bar she was patronizing. The owner was not happy, but allowed it to go on. So, Meg took it upon herself to investigate the matter further. The man was not smoking tobacco cigarette's, but he was smoking electric cigarette's.

WTF are electric cigarette's???

Apparently, these cig's are made up of a rechargeable battery, nicotene cartridge and a vaporizor. You inhale like a regular cigarette, it feels like a tobacco cigarette, but you exhale steam, no smoke!!! You don't ingest the harmful chemicals you get in regular tobacco cigarettes. I went to the web site for this product today and found some interesting information. One nicotene cartridge equals 2 packs of cigarettes. The battery life lasts through 2 or 3 nicotene cartridges and the initial charge of the battery takes 3 hours. Nicotene cartridge strength comes in Full, Medium, Light, None and Menthol and Non-menthol.

The starter kit is $130 which includes:

1 - Cigarette - styled Atomizing Device - Comes in Black, Burgundy and White
2 - 3.6V Rechargeable Lithium Batteries
1 - 3.6V Lithium Battery Charger
1 - Cartridge Pack (4 cartridges = 8 packs standard cigarettes)

Nicotene refill cartridges come in packs of 5 for a cost of $30.

So, my question to both my readers is, if you were a smoker, would you buy this product?? I wonder if this will catch on? Meg seems to think so!!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Silence of the Easter Lambs...Literally!

This evening I was grocery shopping and upon walking into the grocery store, I was greeted by a lovely Easter display. It contained, Easter Lily's, muffins and the standard cake in the shape of a Lamb. Totally in the norm right? WRONG!!

Upon closer inspection of said lamb cake display I noticed something odd. I couldn't quite put my "ear" on it. I scanned the display over and over. Then!! There it was!! I couldn't believe my ears...

Happy Easter, kiddies!!!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Is my friend and Athiest???

My best friend is getting married next spring. So, she's in the throws of planning the wedding! Her parents want an elaborate wedding reception, however, my friend wants a small, intimate reception. The costs are sky rocketing. She even suggested to her parents that she wouldn't mind getting married by some holy person in a garden somewhere. He father then called her an Athiest for not wanting to get married in the church. My poll for you, my readers...
Is my friend an Athiest???

Leave a comment with your vote! Thanks!

Friday, March 7, 2008


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Gotta Love Work!!!

For as much as I bitch about my job, some days I just have really really good days, and yesterday was one of them!! If you didn't know it by now, I work for a really huge company in the HR department. Yeah, yeah, I know, I don't have the persona for it, blah blah blah... Well, yesterday was one of the funnest days at work I had in a very very long time!! I went to a job fair at a local university and had the best time. I really love getting out there and talking to people, it was really fun! If you've never been to a job fair before let me paint the picture...

Imagine a gymnasium full of rows of tables, one table inches from the next. Like a big maze!! Prospective candidates go from one table to the next. Each table is assigned to a company and the company brings signage, and info packets and goodies to give away. We give away pens, notebooks and backpacks with our company logo on them. Other comapnies had candy, highlighters etc..You get the drift!
So we got there and set up our table, we were situated between the 2 rudest companies! The company to our right, was some financial company and they had 1 lady there. This woman could not have been more disinterested in what was going on. She was on her Blackberry the whole time and when people would come up and talk to her, she wouldn't even put the phone down. Don't take my word for it, I TOOK PICTURES!!!! ah ha!! The job fair ended at 3pm, she left at 1pm. I should send these pictures to her company!! What a disgrace!!

The company to our left, well I don't know how to describe them. They had 2 representatives there, a man and a woman. All they did was talk to each other, they barely talked to anyone else. They guy was snippy to me and I had to put him in his place real quick. I don't know if the pair of them are screwing, but if they weren't before yesterday, I can pretty much guarantee they are now!! The girl was wearing a suit, but the skirt was on the short side. To make matters worse, the skirt had a slit in front a good 3 inches long. Don't believe me? Well, HA! I have more pics taken from my handy dandy phone!! Good thing we sat by the window and had plenty of natural light!!

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